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September 26th, 2008 — art, design, economics, politics, programming, rails, ruby, social media, software, trends, visualization
An hour or so ago I launched Twittervision Election View, allowing viewers to see posts to Twitter about the 2008 election in their original geographic context.
Twitter launched something similar this morning, and the idea to do a political view of Twittervision has been around for a while, so it seemed natural to try to do this now and especially in advance of tonight’s debate.
We have some enhancements planned, and right now the site is getting a ton of traffic as people discover it… we should be able to put some more server capacity on it which should keep things steady.
Let me know what you think!
September 10th, 2008 — art, baltimore, business, design, economics, mobile, programming, ruby, social media, socialdevcamp, software, trends, visualization

In May, several of us put together SocialDevCamp East at University of Baltimore. It was an incredible day, filled with deep technical content as well as excellent discussions of business strategy and the very real challenges that east coast companies face breaking into the consumer-facing Internet space.
The day was universally hailed as a success, and maybe even a little bit of a breakthrough: for the first time, the “Amtrak corridor” tech communities had come together to face the challenges of the future together as a unified ecosystem, not just as individuals. The result was a phenomenal mixing of technical, business, and artistic topics and in my mind, was a glimpse of the future.
So, we’re back at it on November 1st, 2008. You can sign up on the barcamp wiki or on Facebook.
We’re looking forward to another great event, and another awesome afterparty at Brewer’s Art. Go ahead and start your juices flowing for what sessions you would like to see, and post them to the Wiki.
We’re also looking for sponsors for both the event and the after party. To find out more, please contact us.
See you in November in Baltimore!
August 27th, 2008 — design, programming, rails, software, visualization
When we first launched Twittervision in early 2007, Twitter was still a pretty small community of users (around 200,000) and only the press and the digerati were paying much attention to it.
Today, with just over 1M users, Twitter is still pretty small by Internet standards, but a lot of people are paying attention to it.
Our API was designed to allow individual users to use the Twittervision location features. A lot of people are using it. We also had a fair number of people who were using our API as an alternative to the Twitter API and trying to harvest vast amount of data using our free API.
Sadly, this was restricting service to others, so we are making some changes to the API that make this kind of use no longer possible. Those of you using the API for your individual projects or in support of client-side apps will see no changes for now — keep doing what you’re doing.
We do sometimes engage in licensing agreements, however, so if you are interested in licensing our data, please contact me at dave at twittervision.com.
June 26th, 2008 — business, design, economics, iPhone, mobile, programming, social media, software, trends

Yesterday I met up with Jeff Pulver to discuss some business ideas, and one of the topics we touched on was, “If you could build any iPhone app, what would it be?”
The new iPhone 3G and the imminent release of the App Store have created an amazing amount of buzz and speculation about what the next generation of mobile apps might be.
While I am unable to comment on any of my iPhone development efforts or the details of the iPhone SDK, I thought it might be interesting to ask here as well, “If you could build any iPhone app, what would it be?”
So, simple as that. What is your ideal “killer app” for iPhone? Write your idea here, and maybe we’ll build it!